Saturday, January 25, 2020
Behaviourist And Cognitive Approach To Learning Theories
Behaviourist And Cognitive Approach To Learning Theories The two main influential learning approaches are the behaviourist and the cognitive approach to learning theories. This report critically evaluates how learning theories are applied in the 14-19 Applied Science classroom. It examines how behaviourism, although an outdated theory, is still relevant in the modern classroom and is still used in developing the rewards and sanctions policies of the modern school. The impact of Piagets theory of cognitive development is evaluated and what possible difficulties might arise if they were applied exactly as Piaget dictated. The impact of adhering rigorously to Piaget maturational stages is criticised and how it might not be possible to adhere to set ages for progression in a school. Kolb, Vygotsky and Bruners constructivist approaches are compared and shown that, when applied to a motivated class they work as they were originally intended and yet when applied to a more disaffected class, they arent as easily applied. The science classroom is an inherently dangerous place for students to work in (Frost, Turner 2005, p.168). It is therefore necessary to instil a level of discipline in the students, to ensure they minimize the dangers to themselves and others in the science classroom. It is necessary to condition (Child 1997, pp.114-121)the students to behave when certain commands are issued. Behaviour theorists believed that the mind was a blank slate tabula rasa and that we could observe the response to stimulus that happened to an organism. Watson thought that a response is more likely to be connected to an environmental event (stimulus), if that stimulus-response is repeated regularly and with a short period of time between them (Child 1997, p.115). Thorndike showed that the student is less likely to repeat negative stimulus-responses, which therefore means that there will be an increase in the positive stimulus-responses, until a correct response is repeated regularly. The stimulus-response is then reinforced whenever a positive result is produced.(Child 1997, pp.114-121). Skinner made several conclusions from his findings in Operant Conditioning (Child 1997, pp.119-121). The steps taken in the conditioning process must be small. Regular rewards are required at the early stages, but once the conditioning is reflexive, rewards can be given less regularly. The rewards must come immediately or shortly after a positive response to ensure maximum effectiveness (feedback) (Child 1997, pp.114-121) When discussing learning theories, its necessary to mention Pavlov due to the importance held in his work, even if it doesnt really directly affect the classroom. Pavlov pioneered the idea of classical conditioning with his famous experiment where he taught dogs to salivate, when a stimulus was applied, just before food was given to them. The dogs eventually associated the ringing of the bell with the arrival of food and salivated in anticipation of the food arriving (Child 1997, pp.116-118). Pavlovs work does not directly link to teaching in the classroom, but it does apply, in that the students may be conditioned, to have a memory or a response to an event that happens within the classroom environment. During my lessons I tried to implement Watson, Thorndikes and Skinners theory of Operant Conditioning in the classroom to modify the behaviour of the class. The goal was to condition the students to reflexively stop talking when I moved to a certain area of the room; using the theory that the students would repeat behaviour that received a positive response, and not repeat behaviour that received a negative response. I initially started to modify their behaviour by moving to the left of the front desk, holding my hand up and waiting for silence in the same spot, every time I required them to stop talking and listen. Initially it was necessary to ask for silence and remind them that I was waiting to talk. In some cases it was necessary to issue a sanction as per the science departments rules of two warnings, then issuing a detention or keeping them in for part of their break if, if they didnt stop talking quickly enough. If the class stopped talking quickly, they would be rewarded wit h praise and if the lesson had gone well a class reward of a game or competition at the end, if it was appropriate. Positive feedback about performance is said to have a positive effect on future performance. Skinner called it reinforcement; Thorndike called it The Law of Effect.(Child 1997, pp.115-121) McAllister et al. (1969) found that praising students not only acted as a positive reinforcement of behaviour, but that the praise may have also worked by causing peer group pressure in the class to reduce inappropriate behaviour, because the negative behaviour reflected on the class as a whole (McAllister et al. 1969). Banduras Social Learning Theory would say that the students were not only being conditioned to respond to the teacher, but also learning from their peers actions as to what was appropriate behaviour in the classroom.(Atherton 2009) By the end of the six weeks, the students were starting to respond to the successive approximation as described by Skinner (Child 1997, p.121)positively and required reminding less that I was waiting to talk to them. It was evident that they much preferred the positive response of listening and being allowed to continue with whatever activity I had planned, to the negative response of not listening and receiving a sanction, before continuing with the activity I had planned. It could be said that they were suffering from Learned Helplessness (Atherton 2009a)and had given up on being able to change the lesson by negative behaviour. Due to the need to provide a safe working environment in the classroom, I also worked on the class responding to the command STOP when they were carrying out laboratory work. The idea being that if STOP was said loudly to the whole class, that they automatically stop what they are doing, stop talking, turn to where the teacher is in the classroom and prepare for instructions that are important or safety related. In the early stages of conditioning, continuous reinforcement is needed to establish the Stimulus-Response link.(Child 1997, p.119) The difficulties whilst trying to implement these theories was down to the amount of time involved in getting the students responding to the stimulus positively. The theory of being able to reward the students for responding positively and sanction them if they dont isnt appropriate in this situation, due to the serious nature of the command. If the students dont respond to it, it could ultimately end up with dire consequences in an emergency situation. The STOP command in particular was a difficult one to implement due to its infrequent use and the seriousness of its use that was implied to the students. If the command was overused, then it would lose its importance as something serious, but on the other hand if it wasnt practiced enough, the students would not respond appropriately when the command was issued. Another interesting situation that arose was from the attention-monopolising students, in that the more demanding students are prepared to put up with the minor inconvenience of the negative reinforcement if they get the attention time from the teacher. (McAllister et al. 1969) Seeing the students more frequently, I am sure that they could be conditioned quicker and show the innate response more readily than when I was only able to see them a few times a week. Behaviourism is evidently still relevant in the modern school (McQuillan 1998), even if it is a somewhat outdated theory. Schools still have their sanctions policies based around Operant Conditioning and negative reinforcement with various levels of warnings and detentions in place for negative behaviour. This will remain effective for as long as policy makers allow these sanctions to be used. However, Skinners belief that we are all blank slates and what goes on inside our black boxes (Child 1997, pp.119-121) when we learn is not important, is not relevant anymore.(Child 1997, pp.113-121) The students I have worked with and taught are all very unique in their personalities and show completely different ways of learning. To say that the learning processes they go through are only related to external stimulus and their response to that stimulus does not correlate with what has been observed in the classroom. Constructivist Theory has played a big part in the current educational environment in schools. Driver and Easley introduced constructivism as it is known now to the science community in 1978. (Solomon 1994, p.3)They stated what was previously an inaccessible theory for science, accessible to the scientific educational community. The 14-19 classroom allows us to look at how Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development is applied. Piaget observed that children go through four distinct stages of cognitive maturation (Burton 2001, pp.237-239) Stages of Cognitive Development (Atherton 2009b) In the 14-19 classroom, according to Piagets theory, all the students have reached the Formal Operational stage of cognitive development and are capable of developing hypothetical situations and understand abstract concepts. Students should be able to apply their understanding of a situation and in theory be able to hypothesise what would happen in a given event. (Child 1997, pp.191-207) From experience it is clear that not all students reach the Formal Operation stage at the same time and in fact the 11 year and up boundary is not as clear cut as that (Child 1997, p.202-203). Within my Year 9 KS3 classes the majority of the students were at the Formal Operation stage of development and were capable of taking an abstract idea, such as levers and moment of a force and applying their knowledge and understanding to derive the equation for calculating the moment of a force themselves. A complex operation that required the students to both assimilate and accommodate (Child 1997, p.192) the new information they were processing, a task which some found difficult, but all were able to eventually complete. With the Year 10 Applied Science class only a small portion of the class were at the point where they could process abstract information or make a hypothesis. Unlike the year nine class they had to be walked through every new concept step by step (Burton, 2001 p241). When they were given the task of hypothesising why something had happened, for example, where did the glowing light from heated calcium carbonate come from, they were unable to comprehend that the glowing was not related to the heating itself, but was actually an endothermic reaction. Even with a step by step explanation and clearly showing how the reaction was occurring, only a small portion of the class were able to assimilate and accommodate the schema. Teaching at middle and upper school level should begin from concrete considerations, building up, where applicable, to more abstract reasoning.'(Child 1997, p.203). Piagets theory of distinct maturational stages poses an interesting problem for teachers and educational authorities. Should a student be moved into a more advanced class or year because of their age, or should they move up a level when they reach a stage in their learning ability? From experience with the two different classes, its quite apparent that these boundaries are not as clear as Piaget was led to believe. If a school was to teach students based on their stage of cognitive development; how long could a student be held back for, before the age gap between their classmates was too much? Some students may after all never reach the Formal Operations stage. Vygotskys theory says that the childs higher mental processes are developed through the child working with other more knowledgeable persons than themselves.(Kozulin 2003, p.19). He theorised that there was a Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) that was the boundary between a childs Zone of Actual Performance and their potential level of understanding. The child can access their ZPD with the assistance of a more competent (Kozulin 2003, p.20) person guiding them.(Chaiklin 2003, p.43) Vygotskys Social Constructivist theory moved away from the didactic approach of teaching, which often led to students developing their own misconceptions and not being able to apply their scientific knowledge flexibly to new situations (Karpov 2003, pp.67-73), to a more socially guided, active approach to learning, where students learnt from their teacher, peers and themselves. Kolbs four stage experiential learning cycle, is similar to both Vygotskys theory of a ZPD and Bruners theory of scaffolding the learning. Kolbs cycle builds on the learners concrete experience and goes through three distinct stages, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation, before returning to the now new concrete experience,.(Burton 2001, p.246) Similarly Bruner theorised that students built on their past experiences and that by applying a spiral curriculum, they would able to return to subject areas and build on them when they were more capable of dealing with the more complex areas of the curriculum. He saw the teacher as a guide, leading the student through the learning process by scaffolding their learning with appropriate material and as the student progressed less scaffolding is required.(Burton 2001, p.241) When applying these theories it is important to be aware that students are all at different stages of learning. Some students have a more advanced understanding, which puts them in a completely different ZPD, concrete experience or stage in their scaffolded learning, to students who have a lower level of understanding. With the KS3 class the students were all in the 5-7 range for target grades, therefore it was a lot easier to plan how they were going to progress in the lesson. A clear understanding of where they were in relation to their ZPD or their concrete knowledge was available and it was therefore a lot clearer, what was required to get them to a new Zone of Actual Performance or to the next stage in Kolbs cycle. They had all reached Piagets formal operation stage and were able to develop their knowledge independently. With the GCSE Applied Science class it wasnt as easy to apply the theories. The students target grades ranged from G-A., therefore ascertaining where their concrete knowledge lay or where they were in their Zone of Actual Performance was quite challenging. Such a large spread of stages meant it was often necessary to take a didactic approach to try and provide a basic foundation level of knowledge for the lower attaining students, so that they could access the lesson. In some cases students were never able to access the lesson due to their complete disaffection from the subject or school in general. Most of the class had not reached the formal operation stage and some struggled in the concrete operational stage at times. A good example being when one of the students struggled with the concept of limestone having nothing to do with the fruit. Finding the middle ground, where the higher attaining students wouldnt be bored waiting for the lower attaining students to get on task or understand what to do was extremely challenging, and at some points, felt completely pointless trying to apply social constructivist theory to the lesson planning with such a wide range of grades in the class was one of the key problems when trying to apply these theories to the lessons. It was however (in retrospect) interesting being able to see two different sides to how social constructivist theory is applied in the classroom. With the higher attaining, less disaffected KS3 students, it was a lot easier to see how the theories could be effectively applied to their lessons, how they benefitted from the teacher acting as a guide and their interest in the lesson meant that they were able to access it and move forward in their learning. It was always clear at which point in the learning process each students was at and what was required to move them onto the next level in the learning cycle. With the more disaffected, lower attaining students, in the GCSE Applied Science class it was so much harder to effectively apply these theories in the lesson. I tried on several occasions to teach lessons where I acted as the guide through their learning process; the students (in theory) would build on their experiential learning and move forward in their knowledge and understanding of the subject. In fact what happened was that the students panicked at the thought of not having the teacher dictating to them each step of the lesson and what they must do. The concrete experience for some was so limited that they were unable to apply it to the lesson and very quickly, if they were not given step by step instructions as to what to do next, they would be off task and cause other students to go off task as well. Therefore it seemed that the behaviourist theory, in particular Skinner, was being followed, as the positive reward was completing the step. Within the GCSE class there were several students who were classed as having Special Educational Needs (SEN), this ranged from Social Emotional Behavioural Difficulties (SEBD) to Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. Since the revised national curriculum was brought in to effect in September 2000, these students have had the right to a place in the classroom alongside students without any SEN.(Peacey 2001) Students with SEN are to be included in the lessons and not treated as separate entities to the non-SEN students. Effectively inclusion was brought in to ensure that all students had access to exactly the same educational opportunities as other students. Too see inclusion in practice is very different to reading about it on paper though. Within the class the students suffering from Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, worked fairly diligently, and although at times they found it a struggle organising themselves for course work or in taking notes, they caused little disruption to the other students. They had the extra help required and were catered for in examinations and course work; they were effectively being included. The students who were listed as having SEBD on the other hand, would have appeared to an outsider to relish in the opportunity to be able to disrupt learning; they spent more time being removed from the class than learning itself. Yet if their backgrounds were to be looked into, it would be apparent that it was an achievement being in school that day and it was quite understandable that science was not their top priority, when they might not have even had breakfast that morning. Their inclusion in the lesson was negatively impacting on other students who were not on the SEN register and did not need to be specially included into the class to due to disruptive behaviour. This leads to the question When should a student not be included in a classroom?, which at this point in my limited experience, I am unable to answer. In conclusion, behaviourism is still always going to be prominent in the modern school as a way of leading students towards becoming more disciplined and focused in their studies, via the rewards and sanctions policies on which they are based. When applying the cognitive learning theories, it is necessary to be aware that not all of the students are going to be starting at the same level, some may well be significantly below the level of other students and are only grouped together because of their age. Therefore the materials to be taught are not necessarily going to be accessible to all of the class all of the time unless they are developed to be inclusive for all the students, which is the current aim of the government.(Peacey 2001). The only viable option would be to group classes closely by attainment level as opposed to age, which is unlikely to happen. Word Count = 3,283
Friday, January 17, 2020
Benefits of Sports
Should students be involved in sports during their busy academic life? Ià believeà so,à there are threeà major benefits that i believe are the most important reason to start a sport: They areà Health, helps build good values, and are just all in all fun. I encourage students to take up sports. Evenà though Iââ¬â¢m a student myself and i know how busy we get from homework and test, but sports can help relieve stress and make school more fun.A report from the United Nations Inter-Agency Task force on sports for Development and Peace stated that young people can benefit from physical activity as it contributes to developing healthy bones,à efficientà heart and lung function as well as improved motor skills and cognitive function. Physical activity can help to prevent hip fractures among women and reduce the effects ofà osteoporosis. Remaining physically active can enhanceà functionalà capacity among older people, and can help to maintain quality of life andà Independence. Sport teaches many good values that one can use in sports and their dailyà life.Honesty,à disciplinedà respect, and many others are just some of the values that sports teach us. A student can use theseà valuesà in their dailyà routine. Sports can help a student learn about arriving on time, settingà priorities, and toà encourageà team work. The key to creating and sustaining values based on sporting is Living Values: living values inà everythingà you do, every time,à every day. Sports can be really fun and exciting. Ià practiceà Taekwondo and its exiting being put upà againstà a bigger, faster, and strongerà opponent. Itââ¬â¢s a very rewarding experience to see how much hard work pays of in combat and it can be applied in school.You may not see the results running andà practicingà everyday but once you get in to battle it shows, and itââ¬â¢s the same for school you may not see the results ofà contentà studying until you t ake an exam. Itââ¬â¢s very exciting and I recommend all students to try sports it is very fun. In conclusion I believe students should start a sport since it offers many benefits Like: health benefits, good values, and itââ¬â¢s fun. I encourage my fellow students to join a sport It really makes the learning experience more enjoyable, and I believe it prepares us for success.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Why Is Janie Crawford From Their Eyes Were Watching God
If youââ¬â¢ve ever seen Pixarââ¬â¢s Up, read Night by Elie Wiesel, or heard of Allen Ginsberg, youââ¬â¢re already acquainted with some perfect examples of Maslowââ¬â¢s Hierarchy of Needs. This means youââ¬â¢ll also understand why Janie Crawford from Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston is such a relatable character-- sheââ¬â¢s trying to claw her way through the Hierarchy, just like the aforementioned examples, and just like the rest of us. Maslowââ¬â¢s theory is presented in the form of a pyramid which illustrates the point that ââ¬Å"people are motivated to achieve certain needs and that some take precedence over othersâ⬠(McLeod). Within the five sections of the pyramid are three groups of needs: basic needs, psychological needs, and self-fulfillment needs.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦She had glossy leaves and bursting buds and she wanted to struggle with life but it seemed to elude herâ⬠(Hurston 11). Janie wants to be able to ââ¬Å "struggle with lifeâ⬠and find her place in the world, which shows her entering the third level of the pyramid. In addition, we see her chasing after the second part of this level of the pyramid, which is love. ââ¬Å"Through pollinated air she saw a glorious being coming up the road. In her former blindness she had known him as shiftless Johnny Taylor, tall and lean. That was before the golden dust of pollen had beglamored his rags in her eyesâ⬠(12). By emerging into this next level of needs, the way she views the world is changing, and she suddenly finds herself aware of her attraction to Johnny. In addition, she kisses him, which illustrates further how she tries to move from the second level, safety, to the third level, love and belongingness. After Nanny catches Janie kissing Johnny, her life changes dramatically. We see Janie unhappy in her first marriage and realizing that in this marriage, her love and belonging needs will not be met. When she meets Joe, she doesnââ¬â¢t see the pear tree, but she sees another way to achieve love and belonging, which is ââ¬Å"the horizon.â⬠She believes marrying Joe represents truly love, and she will finally achieve the third step of the pyramid. As we know, this does not turn out to be true. Joe forces her to tie up her hair, he refuses to let herShow MoreRelatedTheir Eyes Were Watching God1467 Words à |à 6 PagesTheir Eyes were Watching God, the main character, Janie, faces an inner battle in her three marriages, to speak or not to speak, which manifests itself differently with Logan, Joe, and Tea Cake. In her first marriage to Logan Killicks, Janie has her idea of what a marriage should look like shattered, as she failed to fall into the romantic idea of love that she he ld dear (Myth and Violence in Zora Hurstonââ¬â¢s Their Eyes Were Watching God). 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In consideration of the way Janie was raised, she never had a chance to evaluate life and come to a conclusion of who or what she wants to be. Janie was always living the life Nanny wanted for her. As a result, Janie eventually breaks the ââ¬Å"tranceâ⬠Read MoreTheir Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston1563 Words à |à 7 PagesZora Neale Hurstonââ¬â¢s Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937) and Lisa Seeââ¬â¢s Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (2005) are texts that reflect the struggles and adversities women face in their search for their own identity while seeking for a profound understanding of love in a prejudiced environment. Both novels reveal that the individuality of women are affected in patriarchal worlds, portrayed Florida and ancient China respectively, and prove that social class differences have a significant consequenceRead MoreWhose eyes were watching God?1400 Words à |à 6 PagesWhose eyes were watching God? 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Nanny arranges Janieââ¬â¢s marriage to Logan Killicks, a responsible and financially stable man, after she catches Janie kissing the handsome Johnny Taylor. AlthoughRead More Comparing Dreams in Catcher in the Rye, Night, and Their Eyes Were Watching God907 Words à |à 4 Pagesin Catcher in the Rye, Night, and Their Eyes Were Watching God à à à Throughout the novels Catcher in the Rye, Night, and Their Eyes Were Watching God, the main characters seem to have a dream. In their stories, Holden, Elie, and Janie tell the reader whether or not their dream was successful. à In Catcher in the Rye, Holdens dream is to be the catcher in the rye, meaning he wants to stop children or anything that may still be innocent from falling over the edge. This basicallyRead MoreOverview: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston1641 Words à |à 7 PagesTheir Eyes Were Watching God was written by Zora Neale Hurston and published in 1937. Hurstons book guides us through character Janie Crawfordââ¬â¢s hectic journey while taking place in the 1900s. The story starts out with Janie, a middle-aged African American woman, returning to her hometown in Eatonville, Florida. Her surprise visit gets the town talking. They wonder where she had gone, what she was doing, and why she was gone so long. Janieââ¬â¢s friend, Pheoby Watson, visits Janie to find out what happenedRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1106 Words à |à 5 Pagespre-eminent writers on the twentieth century in African American literature. Her famous novel ââ¬Å"Their Eyes Were Watching Godâ⬠was especially influential to the movement on racial equality at the time. Her Novel both reflects and departs from the ideas on the Harlem Renaissance in several ways. In order to understand the significance of Author Zora Neale Hurstonââ¬â¢s novel ââ¬Å"Their Eyes Are Watching Godâ⬠we must first understand the importance of the Harlem Renaissance. The renaissance on the 1920ââ¬â¢s wasRead MoreTheir Eyes Were Watching God1110 Words à |à 5 Pageslife. Hurstonââ¬â¢s Their Eyes Were Watching God, follows the life of protagonist Janie Crawford, a confident, middle-aged black woman who goes throughout life discovering her quest for spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery. In the novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, Hurston explains the hardships as ideas of maturity, sexism, and social class. Throughout the novel, Hurston describes Janie as a young woman with a compelling desire for seeking unconditional love. As Janie searches for her inner
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Nature Of The Gods - 948 Words
Cartoons often depict a character with a subconscious angel and devil on each shoulder hyping up the personality trait the character should act on. These subconscious beings influence the characters to act on their impulse thoughts and reveal their true character. In the Iliad, the gods acted as these subconscious beings and were portrayed with humanistic qualities. They intervened or refused to intervene based on their emotional attachments and were the final push of the humansââ¬â¢ actions throughout the poem. The gods and humansââ¬â¢ similar qualities allowed the humans to exercise free will instead of being puppets to the gods. The comparative personalities allowed Homer to use the gods and divinity to explain certain characters behaviors. The subconscious angel and devil in cartoons contain the same personality traits of the cartoon character the same way the gods in the Iliad reflect the mortals. The godsââ¬â¢ human-like characteristics compare well to a subconscious being internally molding thoughts and desires into actions. This little push of encouragement is seen in Book Two when Zeus sent a dream to Agamemnon suggesting he should attack the Trojans immediately. This arrogant idea of attacking the Trojans immediately with little preparation isnââ¬â¢t too far-fetched from Agamemnonââ¬â¢s normal behavior. In Book One, Agamemnon went against warrior code of returning Chryseis, his war prize, after her father offered up a ransom for her return. This refusal results in ApolloShow MoreRelatedOf God and Nature940 Words à |à 4 PagesGloria Omole 1. There are two books that give me my divine stance: the one God wrote himself (scripture) and the alternative for those who donââ¬â¢t seek the bible (nature). Those who have not seen his teachings firsthand know of him through his scripture. 2. The sun caused the ones that know him through scripture to appreciate him; it was a miracle that was to be taken note of above all his other miracles 3. The pagans knew how to read the word better than Christians themselves, althoughRead MoreChristianity And The Nature Of God1420 Words à |à 6 PagesChristianity and the nature of God, one must have a foundation to rely upon. Both theology and our epistemological queries concerning God must be crafted from a source. Michael Bird in his Evangelical Theology notes that the prolegomena or things we say before saying anything about God must be predicated upon a critical source. This source is Godââ¬â¢s Word and is revealed in multiple ways. If one is to conduct a Credo or apologetic stance of his Christian faith, this person ought to explain how God reveals GodselfRead MoreThe Nature And Existence Of God1010 Words à |à 5 Pageshave engaged in heated debate on whether there is existence of God or not. Several approaches have been used to argue on the nature and existence of god but only a few have been accepted by many people. The physiological argument of the nature and exi stence of god take the form of epistemology, that looks at the nature of god from the scope of knowledge that man has, ontology that involves the study of how human being relate to god and other creatures, the reality and existence of certain factsRead MoreReligion And The Nature Of God953 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Nature of God is a category that always comes into question in many conversations or debates I have seen, and listened to and participated in, this is why I have chosen this topic. 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The problem of evil which forms as; ââ¬Ëis God willing to prevent evil,Read MoreThe Philosophy Of God And Nature Essay1954 Words à |à 8 PagesOne would envision that in a written work regarding God and nature, one would begin with an assessment of Genesis 1:1. One would think I would begin with the foundational truth of God as creator; however I am not. I will begin - just as I did in my book Torah Unchained! A Search for Christian Morality ââ¬â by looking at our Jewish roots. The reality that God is absolute Lord over creation is a fundamental concept of Judaism. There is nothing that happens in the universe that is outside of Godââ¬â¢s influenceRead MoreThe Nature And Activity Of God1998 Words à |à 8 PagesQuestion 1: What did I learn about the nature and activity of God? I see God working through the history of mankind and God working throughout the history of Israel as well. I believe one can see that God is at work in the church as well. He is working to fulfill God s plans that has been in place before the foundation of the world. Godââ¬â¢s plan as the Apostle Paul says is to redeem his people in Ephesians 1:6-7. The Apostle Paul said, ââ¬Å"to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessedRead MoreThe Nature And Activity Of God Essay2261 Words à |à 10 PagesReading for Week # 4 Question 1: What did I learn about the nature and activity of God? I donââ¬â¢t generally believe that God speaks directly to me, but this summer some things have happened to me that cannot be explained except to say some type of divine intervention took place. One of these things that happened was God changed my long held view that I had. I myself was once a young earth creationist even though my father (a retired Southern Baptist minister), did not believe in a strict interpretationRead MoreThe Nature Of God And Morality Essay2024 Words à |à 9 Pagesof the race, but was it the source of social evolution or that of a all powerful and good God? This was the source of the debate between christianity and atheism, or William Craig and Walter Armstrong.The ultimate question was not if you need faith or God to have ethics and moral order, but does God need to exist in order for moral order and value to be established and practiced. Did ethics arise from a God to retain moral order, or was it a part of social and biological evolution in order to con tinueRead MoreGod Is An Essential Nature Or Condition Of Being A God991 Words à |à 4 Pagesââ¬Å"Deity is defined as the essential nature or condition of being a god; divinityâ⬠. The deity of Christ means that He is God Almighty. The New Testament clearly presents Christ as God. The names applied to Christ in the New Testament are such that they could properly be applied only to one who is God. For example, Jesus is called God in the phrase looking for the blessed hope of and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus.â⬠Titus 2:13; compare with John 1:1, Hebrews 1:8, Romans
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